Pages from Special-report of missing ʿAjami panels in Ghazala-house

Overview “Special-report-Ghazala-house”

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Damage mapping of Aleppo in database view

2. Recommendation classification, damage mapping in database

Damage mapping of Aleppo in database view

2. Recommendation classification, damage mapping in database

General view of al-Qarmani Bath and garden

General view of al-Qarmani Bath and garden

Aleppo Built Heritage Documentation – Damage Mapping

Damage mapping of Aleppo in database view

1. Overview, damage mapping in database

Damage mapping of Aleppo in database view

1. Overview, damage mapping in database

Hama, general overview at the Jisriyya/Bridge Noria (waterwheel)

Hama, general overview at the Jisriyya/Bridge Noria (waterwheel)

Guideline Integrated Building Documentation